TC Mimiq preset


There are a number of very good "stereoizer" presets for the AxeFX, but the only one I've seen that gets the sound of the TC Electronics Mimiq pedal is one that @Bakerman did for the AxeFX II. Unfortunately, because of differences between the AxeFX II and AxeFX III, it can't be converted to the AxeFX III. So, I created a new AxeFX III preset using the same idea of using an envelope to shift a delay and control attack dynamics. Depending on how hot your pickups are, you may want to tweak this. In fact there are a number of parameters that you might want to adjust to taste. Enjoy!.

Here's an audio example:


  • Doubler.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 62
There's a good bit of flutter or "tremolo effect" getting imparted to the sound by these settings. I might tweak your values down a bit.
Thanks GlennO, listening to that it actually sounds like 2 guitar tracks !!!!!
I have to try squeeze this in FM3 now.......does use the Pitch block, detune method ? or ?
Thanks GlennO, listening to that it actually sounds like 2 guitar tracks !!!!!
I have to try squeeze this in FM3 now.......does use the Pitch block, detune method ? or ?

Try Fractool to convert it, it might work. The Mimiq pedal doesn't do detuning, that would be a chorus effect, so no, it doesn't use a pitch block. Bakerman's AxeFX II version used pitch blocks, but not for detuning, just for cross fading delays. That doesn't work in the AxeFX III and I didn't find it to be necessary, but if someone wants to pursue that strategy, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :).
Bakerman's AxeFX II version used pitch blocks, but not for detuning, just for cross fading delays.

The pitch block was also used for detuning. Both voices had slightly different detune amounts, with master pitch controlled by the "pick detector" LFO/ADSR setup.
I still don't know how the TC Mimiq sounds but this preset is fantastic. When I found the thread about the TC Mimiq some weeks ago I tried to build an own version, but I couldn't figure out how to trigger the LFO in a musical way. Now I learned that it works with the ADSR and this is a useful knowledge also for other purposes.
I played around with parameters and for me a LFO rate of 25-26 Hz sounds best. The changes are smoother and create less artefacts. But I noticed that it depends very much on the musical context and therefore it's good to adjust it always to the actual song.
I noticed that the delay time doesn't change during the middle three fifths or so of both processed sections of your clip. It seems to change only when you briefly mute the strings more completely. If you want the ADSR to trigger on most note attacks, the envelope attack time (or ADSR threshold modifier attack time) probably needs to be increased a bit.
I got similar behavior from the Mimiq pedal. But, as I said at the top: "there are a number of parameters that you might want to adjust to taste.". I attached the preset so people don't have to ask me to make adjustments. So, feel free to make your adjustment. Please share the adjusted preset when you do.
Been experimenting with this for a while also (hoping to dump the external Mimiq pedal). Comparing this one to the one CC submitted in the other thread I like the bakerman/GlennO one a little better though both are really good. Attached is my take on the bakerman/GlennO idea applied to the Petrucci Rig patch from the other thread (I also attached the original bakerman concept applied to that patch and the CC concept as well as I was comparing all 3). The mods I made to the bakerman concept are:
  • put 1200ms attack/release in the delay rate modifier to slow down the transitions to the point where no flutter is noticeable.
  • removed the delay volume transition given the change above.
  • switched from mono delay with vol/pan block to stereo delay with no vol/pan block just to see if I could reduce the solution to one block.
I feel this one trades some unwanted flutter for some unwanted chorusing but I don't hear the chorusing as much as the flutter so this idea might work a bit better for me. Anyway, interesting ideas.


  • Petrucci Rig 2020 sprintmimiq.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 49
  • Petrucci Rig 2020 bkmimiq.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 46
  • Petrucci Rig 2020 ccmimiq.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 51
Sounds great! The reason I didn't use a stereo delay is because of the latency it adds. But, you're right, that means you have to use an extra block. Also, just fyi, the Mimiq modulates the attack transients a bit, so that delay block volume modifier helps capture something like that effect.
Sounds great! The reason I didn't use a stereo delay is because of the latency it adds. But, you're right, that means you have to use an extra block. Also, just fyi, the Mimiq modulates the attack transients a bit, so that delay block volume modifier helps capture something like that effect.
Good to know about the volume variation - I thought it was just trying to mitigate the transitional flutter - adding that back in - Agreed the stereo delay is not quite as good. Attached is a version with the mimiqmimiqer before dual amps - mono delay definitely sounds better in this one - worth the extra block I would say (stereo delay can suffice as an "economy mode":)).


  • Petrucci Rig 2020 sprintmimiq2.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 45
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