Switching presets sounds like I scored an extra life


WeirdGuitarSound by urowinner on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

For some reason, I'm occasionally getting weird sounds when I switch between patches. I think it has something to do with one patch having a delay enabled and the other disabled, but that is just a guess. Spillover for reverb and delays is enabled on my AxeFxII.

I can't really afford to live in fear of switching from one patch to the next in a live setting. I played a show last weekend and it sounded like I was casting spells in an old Nintendo game throughout the set. My bandmates were unimpressed by my 8 bit wizardry.

Any ideas how to fix this? I don't know if I'm correct about the delay being the problem, but it would be nice to switch from one patch to the next (with spillover) without needing to leave delays enabled constantly on all patches (if that is the issue).

I've included the two patches I used to create the soundcloud file.

Probably due to using tape echo.
You may reduce any weird pitchshifting trails by making sure the tempo of the presets (bpm, use Tempo menu) is the same.
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