Switch only reacts on release! (no hold function)


I'm having trouble with the bottom right switch. Now with the second device!
The switch only reacts when I release it (and then only if it is within a certain time). ...and no, there is no hold function on it.
If I leave my foot up for too long, nothing happens.
any ideas? hardware bug?
Bottom right and top right are used to call up the Master Layout Menu. Therefore there's an implied on-release required.

If you don't use the two-switch combo to go to the MLM you can disable it in the FC settings and these two switches will trigger on press as expected.
I'm having trouble with the bottom right switch. Now with the second device!
The switch only reacts when I release it (and then only if it is within a certain time). ...and no, there is no hold function on it.
If I leave my foot up for too long, nothing happens.
any ideas? hardware bug?
Also, try rebooting your FM9 if a footswitch seems non-functional. Occasionally, my unit will be thrown off from whatever errant occurrence happened; firmware update, or upon editing or save, and the footswitch didn't work as expected. Rebooting solved the problem. Have not experienced the same issue again.

Be sure in FM9-Edit that your #6 switch is set up correctly for toggle/hold. Posting a screen shot of the preset/scene in question (the #6 switch) where the error occurs might help us diagnose your problem as well...
I'm having trouble with the bottom right switch. Now with the second device!
The switch only reacts when I release it (and then only if it is within a certain time). ...and no, there is no hold function on it.
If I leave my foot up for too long, nothing happens.
any ideas? hardware bug?
It’s the MLM shortcut. Turn it off in FC settings.
I'm seeing a lot of posts regarding this issue lately, maybe it would be better to make the MLM option off by default?
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