Studio One Change Presets and Scenes on AxeFx iii


New Member
Studio One Change Presets and Scenes on AxeFx iii

I see some folks are using Pro Tools to change Presets and Scenes when playing a song and would like to do the same with Studio One.

Anyone have this going?
Studio One Change Presets and Scenes on AxeFx iii

I see some folks are using Pro Tools to change Presets and Scenes when playing a song and would like to do the same with Studio One.

Anyone have this going?
Haven't tried this, but i think presets are changed by program change messages, and maybe bank select.

Scene select is a continuous controller, i think you can configure which one.

Did you look for midi implementation info in the manuals?
No idea how to do it in Studio One, but it's certainly possible. Just send the needed PC or CC message on the Axe III's MIDI channel (1 by default).

PC messages will let you access 128 presets (0 through 127). To get to the rest, you have to change banks via CC#0 first.
Yes you can. You might want to look at youtube tutorials or studio one facebook groups, the facebook groups are pretty poor though. Youtube would be the better option.
Thanks all! I did find some YouTube video's but not with Studio One however will follow same process and will post my findings here so others can learn ;)
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