String bends not smooth, sticky


So I have a 2022 Fender Player (Mexican) Strat that I’ve been tinkering on as it’s not so pricey that I’m afraid to work on it. One issue that I have is that string bends are not smooth, if anything bending a string is almost like the fretboard is sticky. It’s a maple fretboard, clean no gunk buildup. I use 10 gauge strings, action is just fine. Is this possibly a sign that the frets need dressed or polished? Any thoughts? @Andy Eagle ? Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Is it your finger tips dragging on the wood or friction between the fret and string. You could polish the frets . You would need some tools to do it properly.
@Andy Eagle if I sand the finish off the fretboard to make it a matte finish and knock the gloss off, do I have to treat the fretboard with anything to protect/seal it? Anyone else care to chime in?
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