Strat backplate


On or off? I heard “off” enhances 7th order harmonics and lets the guitar breathe more for better tone.

I also heard “off” is a cheaper way to remove excess tummy hair than going to a specialist.

Are these true or petty lies spread by competitors?
lol what.

on, harder to change strings and tension on trem
off, easier to change strings and tension on trem
on but with larger cutouts for adjustments, best.
Take it off as soon as it comes out of the box and leave it off. 7th order harmonics, no idea. I don't see it serving a purpose, no one sees that part of the guitar and more often than not a hinderance to me changing strings.
Take it off as soon as it comes out of the box and leave it off. 7th order harmonics, no idea. I don't see it serving a purpose, no one sees that part of the guitar and more often than not a hinderance to me changing strings.
Guys, my comments on harmonics etc were meant as a joke. Didn’t think you would take it seriously :)
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