Strange noise or digital distortion when using FM9 as an interface


Power User
Please listen to the sample I've included.
I recorded it on my iPhone in front of my monitor speakers.
The sound is as intended to begin with. Listen to the decay of the notes.
Then I load up cubase which has the FM9 set as it's interface. I do not have a project loaded I have just started the application, it's run through its start up procedure and is waiting for me to pick a project to load.
After the string rakes in the sample now listen to the decay of the notes with Cubase loaded and you can hear a pronounced digital distortion.


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I listened several times. I think I hear some interference from your guitar pickups that's being rolled down by the gate, but I do not hear a "pronounced digital distortion". I also hear a bit of natural intermodulation distortion from the amp sim.
I listened several times. I think I hear some interference from your guitar pickups that's being rolled down by the gate, but I do not hear a "pronounced digital distortion". I also hear a bit of natural intermodulation distortion from the amp sim.
I know it’s not what you’re saying but I promise you I am not imagining it. Turn it up loud (obviously iPhone recording is not ideal) listen to the last two notes specifically after the transient.
The noise is only audible when Cubase is loaded. Why would that be the case?
In Cubase, create a project and make sure it is set to 48kHz.
Also, you have Cubase -- why record through the iPhone?
Please listen to the sample I've included.
I recorded it on my iPhone in front of my monitor speakers.
The sound is as intended to begin with. Listen to the decay of the notes.
Then I load up cubase which has the FM9 set as it's interface. I do not have a project loaded I have just started the application, it's run through its start up procedure and is waiting for me to pick a project to load.
After the string rakes in the sample now listen to the decay of the notes with Cubase loaded and you can hear a pronounced digital distortion.
That's weird. Have you tried moving your FM9 farther away from your computer and computer screen? Does disconnecting the USB cable to the FM9 make a difference? I wonder if it's a problem with your monitor speaker, not the FM9. Does that artifact also show up in recordings done via USB instead of your iPhone (or the FM9 headphone output)?
I’ve had the pleasure of diving off to work so I will check all of this is a couple of hours.
I’ve had a fair few issues with the FM 9 using Cubase.

So I’ve been playing about an hour and so far the problem has resolved itself. I will try and recreate it at some point. I’m not going mad, I think it’s a bug.
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So this issue just came up again.
Was recording last night and everything was fine. went in this morning redoing bits and thought "why is that so loud" I thought "this tone doesn't sound as good as I remember"
This morning I'm using speakers, last night headphones.

Eventually my ears pick out this weird undertone of what seems to sound like a bit crusher under the notes I'm playing.
I thought people are going to say its string buzz, I know it's not string buzz, I definitely know it's not string buzz, it's not string buzz, it's even happening on natural harmonics, ah but don't you know natural harmonics can produce string buzz....ITS NOT STRING BUZZ.

I recorded a sample with screenflow but it doesn't appear in the recordings.
I check to make sure MAC OS hasn't changed anything in Audio Midi like sample rate etc. everything including my project in cubase is 48khz and 24bit where available.

Anyway, a reboot of the device sorted it out right away so why bother posting this, well I just wasted an hour recording before I realised what was going on.
I use SPDIF from FM9 to a UR28M interface and these days often just use the FM9 as my DAW interface when recording.
The preset is literally just an amp and cab too.
You can see the volume difference here.
Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 10.18.18.png
Was just doing a lesson online with my regular tone.
Started noticing pops and clicks.
On closer inspection I see my peak meters on my interface (via spdif) light up every time theres a pop or click when I pick hard or do some neck pickup, low string, high on the neck stuff.
So obviously it's clipping.
I check the preset, nothings changed the preset levelling does pop into the red quite often but it's many DB below maxing it out.
So I reboot and sure enough the overall volume is much reduced and the meters on my interface will not go above half way. The clicks and pops have stopped.

So this bug continues, whatever it is.
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