Storing, retrieving, using global blocks in Axe Edit


Fractal Fanatic
I tried in the Axer Edit forum but no one answered, so pardon me, one more time: I have got all my main presets pretty much done, but am now tweaking amps, delays etc. and I'd like to make these global and use them in the presets. I see a save/retrieve block option, but the Axe Edit notes indicate that these are NOT globals, but rather copies -so if you change that block in one preset, the changes will not ripple through to others. I presume there's a way to do it, and I'm just missing it. I am not new to AXE, but relatively new to the II, and very new to Axe Edit (all my ultra programming was via the front panel).

Any help would be most appreciated. And if this is a supremely stupid question, with an incredibly obvious answer, please forgive me.

Bottom left corner of AE window has a Global Blocks drop down box.
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