SS Power amp and Guitar Cabs - Wattage question


I have a Carvin DCM200 rated at 200 watts bridged. How would you choose a guitar cabinet to match the wattage (since guitar cabs have so much lower). A lot of guitar speakers are 25-50 watts...
Typically the advice is 3-5 times the wattage you would have used in tube power. I've seen on manufacturers pages they've said use double. The wattage doesn't kill speakers the volume does so as long as you use common sense with how loud you turn it up you could use anything with more power and be ok. I have two hundred watt cabs and they are both getting 470 solid state watts a piece and on some days I wish I had more head Room lol
grOOvadelic said:
I have a Carvin DCM200 rated at 200 watts bridged. How would you choose a guitar cabinet to match the wattage (since guitar cabs have so much lower). A lot of guitar speakers are 25-50 watts...
How many transducers (speakers) do you want in your gtr cab?
I plan on a 2-12... I picked up an empty cab a while back but foolishly (and obviously) didn't think through my decision enough...
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