Sound scaping


Happy FM9 owner here

I saw in the exchange thread a preset of the synth of the keyboard intro of the final countdown
Very cool.
Well I'm really green as grass how to start creating that kind of sounds.
So where to begin?
Easy I guess, so I thought of eye in the sky intro( Sirius was it called) of the Allen Parsons project. Would maybe fun with a looper to build up
So can somebody give me a starting point for this ( yeah use the synt block)
But is it a sine form etc.
Love to have a starting point, so if someone can put me in the right direction.
New FM9 owner here. There are some very interesting soundscape type presets in those banks! I was going through some of them last night and WoW! :cool: I have no clue yet how they are done but I also will have to start weeding through them to examine how those sounds are achieved. Really impressed with that aspect of the FM9!
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