Wish Songs and Setlists - new Song Category Function


Hi all

I have been getting into Songs and Setlists!

At the moment the Song Category choices are Select in Set, Inc/Dec in Set and Toggle in Set. The first and last functions only allow choosing of specific song numbers. I want to be able to use the left and right switches on the FM3 to scroll up and down through songs in a set (using the Destination Name function in the Mini-Display Label), with the Mini-Display Label in the centre showing the active song (the Current Name).

Feature request please - would it be possible to create a new function in the Song category called "Show in Set", and we could then set the Mini-Display Label to show Current Name (this function already exists for the Mini-Display)?

Whilst "Show in Set" is just an FYI function, you can then use a Layout link to get to the sections of the song shown. This also would give a work aroung to show previous, current, and next songs on the Mini-Displays (which I dont believe can be done on the main screen - but it would be great if it could!).

I can get the FM3 to look like this:


But I can't get it to work like this via a Layout Link :rolleyes: . I can set the centre switch Mini-Display label to show the currrent name, but none of the functions from the available choices allow me to select what is shown on the Mini-Display. If I try to use the centre switch (and I really only want to trigger a Layout Link) the currently available functions don't produce the desired result.

To put it another way, I'd like the Layout Link to work instead of the footswitch function, not "as well as".

What do you think (@Admin M@)?
@Doogz We have seen this request from other customers in support. I think an easy solution might be to add "0" to the Song Inc/Dec in Set function right? The Current Name option is already available there.
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an easy solution would be to add Song Inc/Dec "+0", right?

Hi @Admin M@

Yes, I think that would work :)

At the moment, Song Inc/Dec doesn't have a "0" option ... it goes straight from -1 to +1.


In fact, adding "0" to other Inc/Dec parameters could mean that the footswitch does nothing, but the Layout Link does something ... this could provide desirable functionality elsewhere

Any chance of adding this to the next FW9.0?
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