Song title in large display?

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is it possible to show the song title in the (large) display in song/setlist mode?
I want to do the song-switching via the hold function, which is not always shown on the small display
I have also asked about this for a future update. When my band is rolling through song after song in a set, it is easy to get lost.
It isn't currently possible.
@BryantP and I started a LARGE FONT project for the FM9/FM3, but other projects have gotten in the way.
It was also going to allow a larger Preset/Scene display:

View attachment 109479
I really hope this gets bumped to a top priority because this is one of my top frustrations with the unit. While standing and playing guitar the home screen is unusable unless you’re a bald eagle.

I also really want the bigger scribble strips from the FC Mk II on the FMx’s for similar reasons.
It isn't currently possible.
@BryantP and I started a LARGE FONT project for the FM9/FM3, but other projects have gotten in the way.
It was also going to allow a larger Preset/Scene display:

View attachment 109479
(It was) I take it as you are no longer going to do this? Or is it still going to happen after other projects have been finished? THIS would be BIG! and is the only extra update I would ever want!! Please, please, please!!! LOL
While standing and playing guitar the home screen is unusable unless you’re a bald eagle.
This is really dependent on the person... It sucks if it's hard to read for you, but for many (including me) it's not.

I would definitely still appreciate it, though.
I'm going to lock this since there was already a plan but it was interrupted. No +1s will change anything.
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