song test mix for our upcoming CD


Sup? :mrgreen:

Like the title says,, I'm working on this mix from some tracks that were given to me to work with. It was tracked somewhere else then given to me, but I did my my guitar tracks here at my place using my Ultra and I thought I'd put it up in a few places to get some opinions and the such from where it stands now.


Band sounds great. Really! Were the guitars straight from the axefx?
Singer could use a little more girth. What was the vocal chain?Perhaps more compression and fundamental frequencies.Maybe the wrong mic. He doesn't sound important in the mix, to my ears. What do i know.
Thank you for even giving it a listen guys I appreciate it.

I gave it a few tweaks and raised the main Vocal (some of the secondary voices also) brought some low end back to the kick, and automated a couple things, and a couple little other things.

Let me know if this one is any better, and/or what else it might need.
The orig link will take you tho the updated vrs.

Shansem... I recorded my guitars direct with my Ultra,, and I re-amped my other guitarists dry tracks with my Ultra as well. the only thing I have on this in post is a mastering limiter to bring up the level,,thats it.

richierich.....yeah I wish I could re-track him,,but the tracks were done then givin to me, so,,it is what it is now. I did play around with the compression settings and a few other things and also automated some parts and the secondary voices, so maybe it helped......i hope :? :lol:

Once again, Thanks for giving it a listen guys, Your opinions and critiques are very much appreciated,, as I don't know how get better without hearing about what I might be doing wrong :mrgreen:
My guess is that the sibilance in the vocal is keeping you from raising its level up more. Additional compression (which is sure to follow) isn't going to help that at all so perhaps it's time to go back and hit it with the de-esser. Other than that sounds good!

I had a chance to work on this some last night and have addressed the issues that have been noted here and a couple other places. I had tried to be kinda conservative with the vocals before as they were not exactly the best examples that could have been given to me, and sometimes(to me anyway) his voice can sound kind of abrasive.

Anyway,, I did a few tweaks, a little automation, and a bump here and there. See how that sounds now.

Once again guys,, thanks for giving it a listen, you all have been a great help.

Since you apparently have raw DI tracks for the guitars, I would recommend taking off a bit of gain on the guitar tracks, as I think they are a little too compressed in the low end, which takes away some of their punch. I also second the recommendation of hitting the vocals with a de-esser after the compressor. I think if you cut the 20Hz range on the kick, boosted the 100 Hz range, and cut the 200Hz range, you would have a fuller kick sound. This would enable a 200Hz boost in the bass guitar (where it sits most of the time), and would help it punch through a bit better, while avoiding a frequency mess in the low end.

Edit: There were recently a series of articles published in Sound on Sound magazine about Extreme Metal production tips, techniques, and mixing strategies, many of which I found helpful in improving mix punchiness and lucidity.
Damn Mosh!!! Loving the overall mix... the guitars could probably use (just) a (tiny) bit of high end to counter the mids. I didn't get to listen to the original tracks only the updated track... and the only thing that got me was the main down stroke riff being played out of sync a bit... two different guitar players? Other than that... keep up the good work!!!!!
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