[SOLVED] Intermittent static hiss (Like a quick steam blast)

UPDATE / SOLVED: I remembered to set my sample rate to 48k but forgot to change my RME Interface's clock source to optical in. Luckily I had watched this excellent video a few days ago about using the FAS with SPDIF and was able to get myself sorted out quickly:

Just got my FM9 T MKII and as I'm going through the presets, I am noticing an occasional static hiss that sounds like a steam blast for a second or two (every 30 secs to minute or so), it's about the same volume as everything else but I'm worried there's a hardware issue going on here? Anyone else having the same issue or know of what could be causing it?

I recorded an example here: http://sndup.net/v8f8

Signal Path: FM9 T MK II > SPDIF Out > SPDIF Converter to Optical > RME Babyface Pro / Windows 10 with Guitar Plugged into IN 1

I'm going to test using an analog connection to determine if it's the FM9 or something on my end
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Is it only in the spdif output? What if you listen on headphones plugged into the FM9?
Good idea, faster than messing with the XLR cables, thanks!

It's not happening on headphones, I'm wondering if I need to look into setting my Babyface to use the FM9 as the clock source? Gonna investigate some more.
In that case, it's definitely a spdif clock sync problem. Might be as a simple as a bad cable.
Yep, I forgot to change my clock source to optical in, seems to be fixed now WHEEWWWWWWWW, had me worried for a minute there! Thanks again for the quick help m8!
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