SOLVED: Activate switch light from Hold press?


I use CS1 in momentary for ‘fills’ - to turn on Saturation on the 2204 while turning up the Boost amount. Works great. I use CS4 in latching for ‘mod gain' and additionally `solo boost’. Tap turns on the mod and hold turns up the boost.

It works correctly in that the tap on SW4 turns the SW4 light on. If I let up and press again for hold, the SW1 light comes on – both lights now on. If I press SW4 straight to hold, the Mod comes on and the boost works with SW1's light coming on, but the SW4 light doesn’t.

This is not a complaint or a 'does not work’ post. It does all I need it to do, and am very happy to be able to use both these functions as both momentary and latching – it's sweet! But the SW4 light not coming on when trying to avoid a ‘2nd press for hold function’ is kinda disconcerting. I can press tap on SW4 again and it comes on.

Is this as intended? Am I missing a way to get the SW4 light to come on when pressing the hold length? Or do I not look at it?!? lol Thanks!Tap Press.jpgOnly Hold Press.jpg
Please post a screenshot of the switch 1 and switch 4 settings in the editor.

Since you haven't spelled out what all the switch settings are doing, it's very hard to diagnose what each is doing.

I'm not really following your flow...

I can answer your last question, though: the LED lights never indicate the status of the Hold function of a switch.
My question is if press once at the length for hold to also kick in, and both the tap and hold functions come on, why doesn't the light come on because the tap function does engage?

Pic 1 is SW1, a PP switch. Pic 2 is SW4 a hybrid PP /Global switch because the hold function doesn't work when applied from the PP side, only the Global side (no idea why).


  • SW1 settings.png
    SW1 settings.png
    163.7 KB · Views: 8
  • SW4 settings global view.png
    SW4 settings global view.png
    89.8 KB · Views: 7
Here's pics of the modifiers - I use CS3 to raise the Boost of the amp to drive the Strymon leslie harder if you're curious why SW3 is in Source 2..


  • Boost Modifier.png
    Boost Modifier.png
    103.8 KB · Views: 3
  • Amp Mod Modifier.png
    Amp Mod Modifier.png
    104.4 KB · Views: 3
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It enables what's assigned to Hold only.

You have CS1 on both modifiers which is why both items get enabled or disabled with one button press... It has nothing to do with the Tap function.
When I simply hold down a switch on my FC-12, only the hold function fires, not the tap.
That's how it's supposed to work... And it's working that way here.

The difference is that in this case the Hold is a Control Switch and the Control Switch is assigned to multiple modifiers.

It still doesn't affect the Tap but I think there is some confusion because of that.
It enables what's assigned to Hold only.

You have CS1 on both modifiers which is why both items get enabled or disabled with one button press... It has nothing to do with the Tap function.
Thanks for looking at it it, brother. I don't know if everyone understood that the only thing I wanted to address was if it is possible that the SW4 light could be made to come on in this config. I have my answer. Much appreciated.
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