Shut Up and Dance Delay Setting

Jerry K.

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has a delay setting for "Shut Up and Dance" they could post or describe. I found one in the forum but it was not compatible with the AX8.

I put the delay in front of the matchless Dc30. Dotted 8th, mix at like 20. Digital mono with some modulation. I can share the block later.
notice that the actual notes aren't repeating, just the "chukkk" muted guitar sound.
Depending on if you're going for the live tone or the record parts. Live he uses the dotted 8th delay - "Live, I’m the only one playing guitar, so I approximate this effect by using a digital delay set to dotted eighth repeats, which Kevin supports by playing muted 16th notes high on one of his bass strings."
Live a dotted eighth delay is the easiest way to get the rhythmic sound that's such a big part of it. It's what they do and it still works.
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