Shameless gushing... Thank you, Fractal


Power User
Nothing new here, I just felt compelled to say....

THANK YOU @FractalAudio

The box, controller, and editor are of such high quality, inside and out. Things just work, and when they don't, they don't not work for long... (I think that parses?)

Having something of such excellence connected to something I love so much, the music, is just such a joy and it's by no means taken for granted or even expected. This is not a normal situation and Fractal has made something truly special and exceptional.

Thanks to Cliff, Matt, Michael, and all the other clever folk involved in this remarkable enterprise. The money I paid so long ago would have certainly gone on bills by now, but the joy from the black box just keeps on coming.

Oh and y'all on the forum are ok too. :cool:
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