Setting up EV-1 with AXE FX III


Not sure if this is the correct forum - but are there any guides etc to using the Fractal EV pedals with the AXE FX III?
Usually you can do some quick searches that might help. Don't worry if you find something for the Axe-II or other products. The setup is "mostly" the same.

Here's an example that @2112 has regarding a Wah pedal. Looks like he covers it in the first 1 minute. Play around with the modifiers and have some fun. Usually people's first dive into expression pedals is with the Wah or Volume block. Experiment, there's a ton it offers.

I connected my EV through my FC - 12 and connect my guitar through it.

I set up the volume as the global setting in output 1.

Is it still possible to set up the EV as a wah pedal in certain lead sounds?
One second. What do you mean you connected your guitar through it? Traditionally, you'd connect your guitar straight into the Axe III. The EV's are typically used as expression pedals. The FC-12 and jacks do not carry any audio at all. You can't send audio over FasLink.

But yes, you can use the EV-1 for Wah/Volume as desired. Usually, you'd do this inside the preset, so you'll need to remove any global output or global input configurations you have.

One possible setup would look like this:
Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 8.52.59 PM.png
I'm not sure you can override the global setting on specific presets/scenes. You could instead do this:

Use Out1 as a global block if you want it's setup to be shared between all your presets.
Assign the pedal as a modifier to the level on Out1, but set it to only do that on Channel A (not all).
Now for your lead scenes, you can set Out1 to Channel B, C, or D so they won't be controlled by the pedal anymore.
Now also add a wah block, and set the pedal to control it, and either don't use auto engage so you can turn it on just for your lead scenes, or use auto engage but only use a specific channel like out did with Out1, so you can switch to the channel the pedal controls in your lead sounds and use it if you want.

You could also attach it to a Volume/Pan block before or after your amp and do everything else the same if that's your preference, then maybe you can use different channels to either be pedal controlled, or normal volume, or a slight lead volume boost. You might also prefer this because if it's before your reverb and delay then your volume won't boost or cut your reverb and delay tails when you boost or cut it.
One second. What do you mean you connected your guitar through it? Traditionally, you'd connect your guitar straight into the Axe III. The EV's are typically used as expression pedals. The FC-12 and jacks do not carry any audio at all. You can't send audio over FasLink.

But yes, you can use the EV-1 for Wah/Volume as desired. Usually, you'd do this inside the preset, so you'll need to remove any global output or global input configurations you have.

One possible setup would look like this:
View attachment 69297

I connected the EV to the FC - 12, and connected the guitar to the in and out of the EV. Works just fine.
I connected the EV to the FC - 12, and connected the guitar to the in and out of the EV. Works just fine.

You only need to do one or the other. If you use the In/Out of the EV-1, it's just a volume pedal. you don't need to configure anything on the Axe or hook it up to the FC-12. It's just a way of letting you use it as a volume pedal with your analog rigs if you need/want.

Hooking the EXP output to the FC-12 is what sends the control signals to the axe, and lets you hook it up as a volume or wah control.

If you connect both it means no matter what you do on the Axe, it's always acting like a normal analog volume pedal in front of your rig no matter what else you do. If you're using it as an expression pedal to control things, just hook up the EXP. Even if you're just using it for volume, I'd still say use the EXP port instead of the analog one because then you can use it for other things on specific presets or patches if you need.
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