Settable auto volume boost - for drive pedals


Just like a real amp, when I turn on my drive pedal, on a heavy amp - I cant get the volume boost I need just more compression. Instead of having to add another block to bump the volume up - it would be nice if there was an added parameter on the drive block where you could dial in a volume boost.
I could see the reasoning for a simple parameter that would easily display the dB level boost with a modifier to attach to a switch.

In the meantime, there are currently options that are simple and effective. Scene Controllers and Control Switches are a couple that I've messed around with, eventually sticking with a Control Switch as a dedicated boost.

Attach a Control Switch to the Level parameter and set Min to the current Amp level and Max to the level that provides the dB boost you want. The cool thing about Control Switches is the ability to attach to any modifier including the Bypass state.

The CS I use for a boost-
-Increases the Amp Level,
-Turns on Saturation,
-Turns off the Bright Switch,
-Engages the Drive block(when needed),
-Reduces the Reverb Mix,
-Increases the Delay Mix.
Having the Drive block being before the Amp block, any level boost is still going to add to the saturation.

The Drive block already has a Level control - that is a pure volume increase.

Depending on how your Amp is dialed in you may or may not getting what you want (probably not based on your description).
I’m using my fm9 with effects open - so like a pedal board. I like to stack my drives and pick and choose effects as I play. I set up drive 3 as a clean boost for volume at the end of the chain - that works for a volume boost but when I step on say drive 1, tube screamer I get the sound I want but don’t get enough volume / so then I have to hit drive 3 to bring up the volume- this is at the gig so not good. I want to be able to get the tone from my drive pedal and have a separate parameter to just bump the volume and not affect what ever tone / compression that I’m getting from the drive pedal. I’m new to fractal so I may be missing a lot that I can do. Thanks for the time and help on this stuff.
I’m using my fm9 with effects open - so like a pedal board. I like to stack my drives and pick and choose effects as I play. I set up drive 3 as a clean boost for volume at the end of the chain - that works for a volume boost but when I step on say drive 1, tube screamer I get the sound I want but don’t get enough volume / so then I have to hit drive 3 to bring up the volume- this is at the gig so not good. I want to be able to get the tone from my drive pedal and have a separate parameter to just bump the volume and not affect what ever tone / compression that I’m getting from the drive pedal. I’m new to fractal so I may be missing a lot that I can do. Thanks for the time and help on this stuff.
Then adjust the Level knob...

But note that if you stack the drives and increase level of the first one, it will likely affect the tone of the second one.

And this is really no different than in the real world.
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