Wish Sets/Songs + FC custom


New Member
I have songs which uses more than 6 sections. Not that i use 15 different scenes, but the same preset(s)/scene(s) are used multiple times, in these songs.
I really like the sets/songs features, as i don't need a paper setlist when playing live, but I can't appreciate it fully 'cause there's not enough space for sections.
My alternative is to use this feature only for my setlist, but not use the "section" feature.

I use the scene view on my FC-6, and manually select the right ones.
But the way i place my per-preset scenes is not ideal for every songs.
In the same gig, i may use the bottom row of my switches in a song, and the upper row only in another one, which is less accessible.

It'ld be nice to have more the 6 sections available in a song.
OR, it would be killer to have a FC Per-SONG

I know I could do it by duplicating my presets, but then if i wanna change my tone, it becomes an hassle.
I've requested the per-song feature many times but it hasn't received any answer. I normally use as well the Songs and Setlists features 100% of the time onstage, however, I use it to filter out the scenes I won't be using for the song.
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