Sending a Stereo Signal via Two Different Outputs


New Member
Hi! I'm looking to set up a stereo system, but I only have one powered FRFR speaker and one SS power amp with a cab. What's the best way to route this? Can I use the left channel of Output 1 and the right channel of Output 2? Alternatively, is it possible to send the cab block to only the left or right channel of either Output 1 or Output 2? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I only have one powered FRFR speaker and one SS power amp with a cab
Not sure you will like the result because they will sound different, but why not try

Can I use the left channel of Output 1 and the right channel of Output 2
I assume you mean physical outputs - than the answer is yes, of course.

Alternatively, is it possible to send the cab block to only the left or right channel of either Output 1 or Output 2
Yes, the Balance knob in the CAB block will do it for you, if you want to have CAB sending the signal in only one of two channels.

Alternatively, you can use Pan knobs of the CAB, and further combine it with Pan knobs in Output blocks, or even have Mixer block on the grid and pan/balance them that way. You have pretty much zero limit on your routing options, just play with it a little.

You also have OUTPUT CONFIG section in your FM3-Edit "Setup/Audio" page to provide even more routing options.
To send cab'd sound left and non cab'd sound right within the same output, you could use 2 hard panned vol/pan blocks to separate left/right paths after the amp, and then put a hard panned cab block after the vol/pan in either the left or right path. Another option is to run a cab block containing 2 hard panned IRs one of which is the "Totally Flat" IR selection that functions as a pass-thru so no cab effect would be present on one side.
My understanding is the best way to run that would be with two separate amp blocks set differently, specifically the “output mode.” I would run separate outputs for that.

I play in an IEM environment, but if I had the chance to run an amp on stage, I would use FRFR to have a more consistent tone and simply things. In theory, I like the idea of a coaxial FRFR like Red Sound.
My understanding is the best way to run that would be with two separate amp blocks set differently, specifically the “output mode.” I would run separate outputs for that.

I play in an IEM environment, but if I had the chance to run an amp on stage, I would use FRFR to have a more consistent tone and simply things. In theory, I like the idea of a coaxial FRFR like Red Sound.
good point - to be pure in the methods I mentioned above, having 2 hard panned amp blocks would allow for setting amp output mode to "FRFR" on one side, and "SS Pwr Amp + Cab" on the other. Also, the speaker curve could then be set differently on either side for specific accuracy. I'm not sure it's really worth the added preset complexity and maintenance though, given that L/R may sound quite different anyway if the real cab is not matched to the IR on the FR side - but if the idea is to match the real cab side to the FRFR side as closely as possible (IR set to match real cab), then ya, having L/R amp blocks is probably worth the effort.
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