Scenes and Tempo Question


I have a question. Let's say I have a preset where Scenes 1-4 each have their own tempo because they are for individual songs and the additional scenes within the preset are generic and could be used with any of the first four scenes. Is there a way to have the tempo for the generic scenes automatically change to the tempo of scenes 1,2,3,or 4?

For example, let's say I'm in scene 1, and scene 5 is a generic lead sound for use with all scenes 1-4. Can I change from scene 1 to scene 5 and have the tempo in Scene 5 sync up to scene 1, then switch to scene 2 which has a different tempo, then switch back to scene 5 again and now have its tempo now sync up to scene 2?
Interesting question.

I wonder if you can connect the tap/tempo to a control switch and have it set to "last" on that scene...

No idea if that's possible. It was just the first thing that came to mind.
Interesting question.

I wonder if you can connect the tap/tempo to a control switch and have it set to "last" on that scene...

No idea if that's possible. It was just the first thing that came to mind.
I was wondering if something like that could work too but I'm a total newb so I have no idea if it's possible or not.
I assume you're using multiple channels of the Controllers block to get different tempo per scene because there's no other way to set tempo by scene?

Possibly enabling Scene Ignore on the Controllers block for the generic scenes? I'm not sure Scene Ignore is allowed to be set there, but if so I think it would do what you want.
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