Scene ignore still happening even when not enabled?


Hey, all.

In my main preset, something strange is happening. All of my effects seem to be working as if I've enabled scene ignore on all of them. In reality, I only have it enabled on reverb and delay, but all others do not have scene ignore enabled.

So if I start on scene 1 but then kick in drive 1 (scene ignore is disabled for that drive), then switch to scene 2, I would expect that when I switch back to scene 1 that drive 1 is bypassed, but it stays active. All the effects in the preset are working this way.

Any ideas where else to check? Is there some other area in FM9-Edit that would affect the block behavior like this?

Update to this: This behavior is happening in all presets including stock, not just mine.

Can you not do this in the FM9? It seems like if you switch to a scene in a preset and then change an effect state, you've now changed that preset for good until you revert. Isn't the whole purpose of a scene to be a snapshot of bypass and channel state?
You're perhaps confusing Scene Ignore and Scene Revert.
Change the Scene Revert setting under SETUP: MIDI General.
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