Saving presets


Hi all,

I'm sorry, but if I understand correctly, there's no "Axe FM3 Edit manual", and I've been using an Ultra up to now.
I've searched high and low, but it seems there's no way to load presets from "user folders" anymore. Is that right?
As in, I can't load it from a folder. I need to actually import presets to a free location on my FM3 each time... Correct?

That's a bummer... I've always used the axe as a studio tool, so I wouldn't to upload them to hardware each time. Or am I seeing it wrong?

Thanks for the help!

the preset needs to be loaded into the device at some point. the Audition feature lets you click a preset in the list and it loads into the buffer, so you can play it, but you eventually need to commit it with a save to recall it later.

personally, i don't use audition. i just go to blank areas, and drag the .syx preset file onto the Name area in Edit, and it loads temporarily. i can edit it and all that and eventually save if i want it. then i go to a new blank location and repeat.
Hi Chris, thanks for this. Exactly what I figured.
Of course I would need to commit with a save to recall it later, but with the Axe Ultra, it was always in the studio. Therefore, loading it from my desktop folder was always my way to recall it, and I never wasted any storage space on the unit for it. (Therefore keeping all the factory presets right there on the hardware). But I understand I will now have to always write it on the device unless I use the audition feature. I'll need to check whether "Auditioning" a preset lets me change it, and then saved the changed preset right back to the folder. (It would be a step back for me to have to import a preset from PC, change it, export it back, and eventually delete the preset on the FM3 hardware.)
You probably know this, but your FM3 has 1024 preset slots. So, depending on your needs, you may be able to keep all the factory ones onboard, and still have room for lots of your own. That's what I do, but I'm not gigging with 4 bands and in the pit for several theater shows at the same time; your life may be different :)

FM3 manual is here, didn't see an FM3 Edit manual, I might have missed it.

You might also want to invest in Cooper Carter's course for the FM3. It'll give you a good overview of what's in there, and some good ways of working with it.

Have fun!
No indeed, the FM3 manual is quite exhaustive, but no edit manual to be found!
It's not really about me fearing hardware space. It's more about me not wanting to go through the hardware upload/download every time!
Thanks for your input!
Hi all,

I'm sorry, but if I understand correctly, there's no "Axe FM3 Edit manual", and I've been using an Ultra up to now.
I've searched high and low, but it seems there's no way to load presets from "user folders" anymore. Is that right?
As in, I can't load it from a folder. I need to actually import presets to a free location on my FM3 each time... Correct?

That's a bummer... I've always used the axe as a studio tool, so I wouldn't to upload them to hardware each time. Or am I seeing it wrong?

Thanks for the help!


You're right, the FM3 (and Axe-FX and FM9) was not designed to be used in the studio the way you've described. It's designed to be used live and consequently the on-board preset slots are intended to hold a relatively small number of presets that you select via a foot controller. It doesn't really have any features you would need to manage and navigate a library of presets (the situation is worse for IR's). There is a manage presets tool, but that's primarily a way to populate the preset slots on the device, not a way to navigate a preset library on your computer.

It would be great if there was an editor plugin with built-in AxeCapture, parameter automation, and a proper preset browser. It's getting pretty crowded at the top in the amp modeler market and IMHO the first modeler to deliver these features will set themselves apart from the competition.

Here's a wish thread for a preset browser to do what you're asking for:
I guess I'm not quite following what you're asking.

You can't use a preset in the editor without loading it on the hardware.

You can import presets easily from the editor and then use them on the hardware without needing to save them. The location you import to doesn't need to be empty/unused. It will just load into memory (unless you save it, which will overwrite the preset).

I started on the Axe Fx II so I'm not familiar with what you're describing on the Ultra.

What is a "user folder" and how would you be able to use a preset from that without loading into a preset slot?
I guess I'm not quite following what you're asking.

You can't use a preset in the editor without loading it on the hardware.

You can import presets easily from the editor and then use them on the hardware without needing to save them. The location you import to doesn't need to be empty/unused. It will just load into memory (unless you save it, which will overwrite the preset).

I started on the Axe Fx II so I'm not familiar with what you're describing on the Ultra.

What is a "user folder" and how would you be able to use a preset from that without loading into a preset slot?

He's describing how preset browsing works in other systems. When you load a preset from your computer using the editor, you load that preset into a scratch slot on the device, but when you save, the save goes to the preset file you loaded, not to a memory slot on the device. That makes sense when you loaded the preset from your computer since the source of the preset is a file on your computer, not a memory slot on the device.

The design used by the Axe-FX is geared towards the needs of live use where you think in terms of slots, but it's not so great for studio use where you think in terms of presets.

This wish thread describes how it might work:
He's describing how preset browsing works in other systems. When you load a preset from your computer using the editor, you load that preset into a scratch slot on the device, but when you save, the save goes to the preset file you loaded, not to a memory slot on the device. That makes sense when you loaded the preset from your computer since the source of the preset is a file on your computer, not a memory slot on the device.

The design used by the Axe-FX is geared towards the needs of live use where you think in terms of slots, but it's not so great for studio use where you think in terms of presets.

This wish thread describes how it might work:
Ok, but he can still import a preset, change the preset and then export the preset without overwriting any saved preset slot on the hardware.

Just using import/export and not save from the editor should accomplish what he's asking for.
Well, yes, the OP already mentioned an import/export workaround above. IMHO the issue here isn't the presence or absence of a workaround. The issue is: what is the best user interface for the studio use case he described? I go into it at some length in the thread linked above, but it can be awkward to use an Axe-FX in the studio sometimes.
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