Satriani style preset from my old AX8.


I was messing around with my old AX8 and FM3 looking for old presets to transfer over to the FM3 to adjust, tweak, and generally have fun with.

I cannot take credit for the Satch preset on my AX8 as I suspect it must be a preset downloaded from Axe-Change.

Repeat! Not my preset!!!! LOL

When I copied over the settings I kept it simple. I just chose the basic drive, amp, cab, and delay. Incidentally, I am useless at cab choice, so if you give it a try, pick your cab to fit your needs. Also, in the AX8 preset it had a switched-off wah, chorus, pitch wammy block, and phazer which I have left out as I did not seem to use them.

With the octave distortion, you get a nice feedback type of effect on long notes. The delay mix sounds great on the AX8 but a bit overpowering on the FM3, so adjust it to your taste. Please, if you do some cool adjustments feel free to share your "better" preset.

The sound kind of reminds me of this track.,vid:2rsdZHcRM9c,st:0


  • satchax8.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 54
After uploading the preset I had a bit of a (bad) play along with the Satch track in the video and (using a Les Paul) increased the amps mid and treble a bit. This is the beauty of the FM3, tweak until your heart is content!
I have just been flicking through the Dyna cabs and I like the much brighter to my ears 1x12 Hot Kitty. But like I say, I am rubbish at picking out cabs! lol
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