
New Member
Hello everyone,
I am a very new user of the AX8 (after having used a AXE II for several years).
Everything was great until I had some issues with the reverb block.
For a reason I don't understand, every time I engage the Reverb block (either with the ax8 edit software or with the pedalboard itself), it goes automatically off / disengages (other blocks work fine).
I've tried with a very small preset (very low CPU), and with the factory presets.
Does anyone have an explanation ? It is very annoying to play without reverb...
Thanks !
it goes automatically off / disengages (other blocks work fine).

Is it assigned to a particular footswitch? This is certainly not normal behavior unless the CPU is pegged and AX8-Edit or the screen tell you that it is struggling to maintain CPU resources.

Are you using AX8-Edit to manage your presets?
Have you set up any modifiers?

Thanks, should start the conversation.
Hi ibanzefreak4
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I am using Ax8-Edit. And I do not use any modifier.
Actually, when I turn off the Axe8-Edit, I can engage/disengage the reverb block, so the problem should lie in the software (but I run the last version...and I had no issue so far with the same version). No idea of what I am missing / what should I do.
Sounds CPU related. When running the software editor it takes a little CPU to run so that's why it works when the USB isn't plugged in.
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