Reveal hold function - Flip the mini displays to show all your footswitches' 'Hold' action descriptions.


I just stumbled across this in the 'Footswitch Functions' guide. Looks like it has popped up in the forum before but maybe someone will find it helpful for use with the FM9. You can flip all your mini-displays simultaneously to show the HOLD action instead of the TAP action on your footswitches. Set one of your footswitches in a layout to Category='Utility' and Function='Reveal Hold'. You can set it up for momentary of latching. Stomp it, and it will show all your hold functions. Handy if you don't mind dedicating a tap or hold on one of your switches to do this. See pg. 10 in the Fractal 'Footswitch Functions' guide (link below) for setup details.
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