restoring from back up


I just received a new FM9 as a replacement for one suspected of a hardware issue. I've upgraded the firmware to 8 and the dynacabs. Now I want to restore the backup I took before sending the other one back. I see that the back up created 6 files. "FM9-240829-120520-bank-A.syx", "FM9-240829-120520-bank-B.syx", "FM9-240829-120520-bank-C.syx", "FM9-240829-120520-bank-D.syx", "FM9-240829-120520-system+gb+fc.syx", "FM9-240829-120520-user-cab-bank-1.syx".
Do I have to restore each one of these files, one at a time?
You got it...

The "system" file is your global settings, the "cab" is your user cabs (if you have none then you can skip), the "bank" files are your preset banks. Depending on how you used your system you may not have to restore all of them.
Do I have to restore each one of these files, one at a time?
It's possible to append the bank files to create one large one, similar to what Fractal does with the factory preset banks, however you won't really save much time restoring their contents, because the same amount of data has to be transferred. You'll only save the small amount of time it takes to select and start a restore for each file, which probably amounts to a savings of ~30 seconds overall.

Just as when loading firmware or factory presets, don't stare at the progress bar when doing restores or you'll go insane… or blind… I forget which. :)
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