Residual Noise Between Presets


Good morning, y'all.

Couple of weeks ago I posted this question on FaceBook and got some good input.
Unfortunately the solution(s) mentioned did NOT work for me.

Quick run-down of what's going on:

during P&W I use PreSets for each song, etc.

When we go to a new song, I choose the proper preset .... however, a loud sound (similar to "plugging a guitar into an amp") has been occurring with some normalcy.

I say "some normalcy" because it is not an all-the-time problem. But it has gradually become more common for me to hear it versus NOT hearing itf.

This wouldn't bother me too much - but it's very loud over the PA and I've been asked about fixing this from the worship leader in addition to the FOH guy.

FWIW - I am using FM9 FW 2.0 (Beta). Most of the time I am using an edited version on David HIslops preset (if that matters).
Also, I use a single XLR cable via Output 1 Left. Global OUTPUT CONFIGURATION set to Sum L+R.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Have a great day!
Thank you for the advice. I have already done that. It was actually one of the first things that I did - but the noise still happens.
Thanks again
See if the problem goes away if, before you switch presets, you turn down the guitar volume all the way. I know, not an actual solution, but it might keep people happy until you figure this out.

Also, check your delays and reverbs. Make sure that, if running in series, they are set to "Mute FX In". And if parallel, set to "Mute In".
I have this exact problem (also in a P&W setting). There was a thread in this before and it was suggested to ensure all Channels in your Reverb Plex, and Delay Blocks match (respectively), even if you aren't using more than one Channel throughout your scenes. For example, if you are using the 2290 delay on your main setting, make sure all channels, used or unused, are set to the 2290, too. This has worked for me, and works for Scene and Preset switching. I realize it completely defeats the purpose of having multiple Channel capability, but until this issue has been solved I've been able to greatly reduce unwanted noise.
I was putting some per song presets together this weekend. I was getting the exact same thing. I never turn on spillover, I turned it on and noticed only on one preset, but none of the others. I could not figure out what it is. I shut off spillover and it did not fix it. All my patches use an AC20 usually but the patch that was causing the problem was a fender patch. FM9 beta 2. I listened to the OP clip on Facebook. It was definitely the same thing. Problem is, I did not keep it. I started from scratch and built a new patch from an AC20.
Thank you for taking the time to read / reply (everyone!)
Here is a quick YouTube clip ... you should be able to hear the noise @ 00:05
Thanks again!!

Did you take @Admin M@ up on his offer to look at your two presets? I'd definitely do that. Send them to him privately if they're paid commercial presets, or you don't want to share, but get them to him somehow.
The video sounds like a gate opening for a moment and letting some hum pass through. Does it do the same thing with the guitar volume at 0?
The video sounds like a gate opening for a moment and letting some hum pass through. Does it do the same thing with the guitar volume at 0?
It's sporadic - sometimes it'll happen even when I lower (turn it all the way down) my guitar volume

It's not a constant issue. I imagine it's a setting I am overlooking or something like that - but that's why I came to y'all - because I'm ignoramus

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