resetting global blocks


Power User
How do I reset (clear) all global blocks?? I have a few that I made a few fw's back, now I want to replace them with my current fw presets, but if i try to overwrite them it doesn't work, so I'd rather clear the old ones and save the new ones from scratch.
Requires a total clean-up of the Axe-Fx. For instructions contact Support.

But you should be able to overwrite them in the first place.
Sorry, my bad, I didn't mean global block, I meant block library. If I try to overwrite them a popup window says the name is already in use and i need to choose a different name. I also tried to delate them in the axe edit workspace folder, but they still show up in the ae block library menu.
Yes, the same question here - the block library (amps) stays at every Firmwareupdate - can´t delete them.

I also think to organize my sounds in global blocks - for a faster resetting after the weekly firmware update......:p
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