Reset Global Blocks


Hi Guys:

Quick question, I started working on my global presets following Chris's video. The odd thing is that when i went to the menu all my Global Blocks said they were "used". I've never played with this feature before so I am pretty sure I have not touched it. So how do i reset them back so i can see them displaying the empty setting so i can filled them back up?
I have a similar question as the OP, but not so much “how can I reset them all” but why are all of the global blocks showing “used” in the first place? I too have never used them. Are the factory presets using Global Blocks? Is there a way to tell if a global block is being referenced by a preset?
Or, cutting to the chase, is the recommendation to run a System-Clean required because performing an upgrade from firmware 9 to 10 (or some other upgrade) resulted in all Global Blocks erroneously showing as “used”?
You can save over the top of a "used" global block, but that still doesn't answer our question as to why all blocks are showing as "used".
Well I went in this morning and did the Global Block thing for Reverb mix (Reverb 1). Preset one is linked but it does not let me link the block on Preset 2. I think there is somekind of bug. I'll call suport today to see what they tell me. Anybody else experiencing this?
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