REDWIREZ - should I?

Okay so I am running Axe Fx Ultra with 10.02. I have to say that release 10.02 sounds a lot better than any other previous release.

I was considering buying the RedWirez $121 pack. What is it going to do for me? Are they much better than the stock Fractal speaker cab sims?

How does it work - ie it seems you load up a speaker cabinet with a specific mic position. If this is the case do you then just disable MIC emulation in the Axe Editor for your patch?

[EDIT] Reading the HOW TO now. So basically, I am after user impressions. Is it worth the spend?

Further I note the REWIRE product only has Soldano with Eminence speaker IR.

I have an old snakeskin Soldano cabinet here loaded with V30s which I prefer.

I would love to make an IR of this cabinet if it is possible. Is there a HOW TO anywhere for this? I have used google and understand feeding a SIN wave through the cabinet (via amp effects return) and recording the result is the first step.

Anyone done this or can point me to some instructions?
SteveTurner said:
Okay so I am running Axe Fx Ultra with 10.02. I have to say that release 10.02 sounds a lot better than any other previous release.

I was considering buying the RedWirez $121 pack. What is it going to do for me? Are they much better than the stock Fractal speaker cab sims?

How does it work - ie it seems you load up a speaker cabinet with a specific mic position. If this is the case do you then just disable MIC emulation in the Axe Editor for your patch?

[EDIT] Reading the HOW TO now. So basically, I am after user impressions. Is it worth the spend?


Much better is really relative to the listener. I'd say that they compliment the AxeFx very nicely. After finding the right RedWirez IRs for my ears, it's hard to go anything else. Figuring out which ones were for me was a lot of fun.
You might want to download the free ones and try and see. I like them and they work well with the built in one well. When I record I use a mixture of Redwirez and built in. Live right now mostly redwirez.

I think how you feel about them are different for each user.
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