Redsound RPA600x / RPA300x. Very good (I think). Demo.


Power User
Is this the right thread? I hope so.

Redsound are doing power amps and my first experience with them has been a joy, I have to say. There are two currently available - 600x (mono) and 300x (stereo). I ran the mono version with a G12H loaded Laney cab and was pleasantly surprised because ...

...I was put off by my initial outing with the power amp/guitar cab thing by the Matrix GT1000 which I found underwhelming and ended up ditching a week or so after I made the demo for it way back in 2013. Since then I've been running CLR's or whatever high end monitors have been supplied on the road. However, Redsound have recently produced these two (currently available on pre-order) and I think they're pretty good - with the right cab, of course. So I thought I'd show you.

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