Recording with USB & Monitoring through Audio interface


Finally got hold of the AFX2. I've seen quite a number of people ditching their audio interface once they get the AFX2. My previous set up was Ultra going into my Saffire Pro 24 DSP then to my HS50s monitors. Recording were done with 44.1khz 24bit. I was trying to set up the AFX2 for recording and axe edit with USB then monitoring out from my Saffire PRO 24 DSP.

My current set up is the same as the previous. AFX2 going into my PRO24 DSP preamps and monitoring from the interface. What I wanted to do was to feed the audio into my PC via USB from AFX2 but switching the default audio system in the control panel will switch the default audio interface to AFX2 instead of the PRO24 DSP. So I was thinking this method should be able to get the audio signal from AFX2 while monitoring from PRO24 DSP.

Routing output1 XLR to monitors while 1/4" cables from my PRO24 DSP to monitors. (PRO24 DPS on default audio in control panel)

Right now I'm using the PRO24 DSP mainly for the VRM monitoring, easy volume access between headphones and main monitors, dual headphone monitoring and vocals tracking rarely.

Should I just ditch my interface and just use AFX2 as interface?
And also where can I adjust the volume for headphones & monitors seperately if I use AFX2 as audio interface?

Thanks in advance!
Sounds like you want to aggregate the audio. You can do this with mac, no fancy programs. Just adjust the i/o settings in you DAW.
In windows you can do this with Asio4all. (it's free)
For me it worked "ok". But varies from computer to computer. I would sometime get crackle and such, but my pc aint fancy, so...
You can also use spdif from axe fx to the pro24. That way the audio signal only gets converted once instead and getting converted D/A, A/D and then going to the monitors. With spdif it's digital all the time until it goes to the monitors. Same thing with usb.
Thanks! I will try out Asio4all first. Never tried spdif before. But seems like spdif is a pretty good way for my set up. But I will have to switch everything to 48khz.
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