Recording With Audio Interface Noise

Humbuckers or singles? With my LP it's silent. Can't even tell the rig is on. With my P90 guitars there is lots of electrical interference noise. Make sure you are away from your computer and monitor. Also make sure your FM3 is away from your computer and monitor. Try plugging your computer and FM3 into both the same outlet and different ones. See if it makes a difference. Try with your computer on and your computer off, see if it makes a difference. Stand up and spin in a slow circle and see if the noise changes.

There are also some USB devices called "iDefender". I picked one up a few years back to combat a ground loop on my audio interface while playing guitar direct, it worked like a charm (believe it breaks the ground and passes it to the power adapter vs running through the USB cable).

Good luck!
@starcommand79: wondering how you've got on as I have the same issue, however, I noticed it happens only when I have FM3-Edit open on my computer. High-pitch ringing goes away instantly when I close the FM3-Edit app.

If you notice the same behavior, does anyone know how to work around this?
@starcommand79: wondering how you've got on as I have the same issue, however, I noticed it happens only when I have FM3-Edit open on my computer. High-pitch ringing goes away instantly when I close the FM3-Edit app.

If you notice the same behavior, does anyone know how to work around this?
Haven't tried that but not a bad idea. Will have to when I get a chance!
I’ve had this same noise. The solution for me was to plug the fm3 directly into my computer usb by itself. I had it plugged into a hub before that and the noise was terrible, evertime I typed a key on my keyboard it would make a ping and ringing sound.
I’ve had this same noise. The solution for me was to plug the fm3 directly into my computer usb by itself. I had it plugged into a hub before that and the noise was terrible, evertime I typed a key on my keyboard it would make a ping and ringing sound.
Yeah I too don’t have an issue using the FM3 direct to the laptop. But the problem is, If I want to talk/sing into a microphone while using the FM3, then I send it to another audio interface. Is there a way to use a mic with an FM3 as the interface though?
Yeah I too don’t have an issue using the FM3 direct to the laptop. But the problem is, If I want to talk/sing into a microphone while using the FM3, then I send it to another audio interface. Is there a way to use a mic with an FM3 as the interface though?
Run the fm3 into the same interface as your mic. I've compared the usb vs XLR out sounds and they are identical to my ears. This also sorts out the recording latency issue that some folks have reported.
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