Recording noob - Playback Latency in Garageband


Fractal Fanatic
Trying to do some basic recording in Garageband using my Axe-II as the recording source and midi/audio interface. Everything is synched fine whilst recording and monitoring but there is slight latency on the recorded track, only heard during playback. I've optimised for minimum delay in the preferences.

What is wrong here and how do I fix it?
Not seriously. I used my Ultra before with Logic 8.0 and had no problems but I was feeding it through an Edirol audio interface. Want to eventually get back to Logic but it's too much for me right now. Want to stay with Garageband since it's familiar.
One thing to check on a PC is to make sure you aren't using drive compression on your harddrive.

I've always had bad luck with latency issues and USB. I imagine USB 3.0 will be fine but I'll be sticking with Firewire.
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