Recording bass suggestions


Fractal Fanatic
Currently I have a cheap Yamaha $250 Musicians friend bass for recording but want to upgrade at some point. Suggestions for a good used bass in the $500 range. Also one that would come with good pick ups and what should I consider with bass pick ups?

It's hard to give a suggestion without knowing what issues you're having with your current bass, and especially without knowing which model it is. Yamaha makes some good basses, even at the $250 price point.

What do you like / not like about your bass? Are you sure the issue is the bass, and not your technique, ability or signal chain? The $500 range is very crowded, there are a lot of great instruments there, especially used.
Actually it sounds good to me it's just cheap and I figured i could get a better quality instrument tonally and playability. Mine aside Please throw out a few suggestions!
If it sounds good I'd be content, nowadays you really don't have to break the bank to get a quality player. Suggestions? Depends on the sound you want really. Squiers offerings in this range are plentiful and quality (My personal favorite from the is the vintage modified J, the duncan pups in them are slightly hotter with a more prominent midrange that I really like and will do clean to mean no problem), Ibanez makes really good basses If youre looking for something on the hotter side. Again this is all very dependent on the sound you want to get out of the instrument, and what you arent happy with in your current stable
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