Recording axe FX onto existing projects that are 44.1 khz


New Member

Lately Ive been recording a new album and just bought an axe fx to redo the guitars with. After a little trouble I discovered my projects have been recorded at 44.1 khz sampling rate and were wondering if theres any way I can record the axe fx onto these projects.
Now I can get a signal going into my soundcard from the axe fx at 44.1 but it sounds fuzzy and crappy. I then switch the cards settings to 48 khz and it sounds great but the rest of my project wont work.
I read somewhere you can export the audio from your project then re import it at 48 khz into a new project but were hoping to avoid this as each project has a lot of tracks and are already mixed. It would be a mammoth amount of work
Any solutions ? thanks in advance

Re: Recording axe FX onto existing projects that are 44.1 kh

Why not record the Axe direct via the analog outputs?
There are several threads on the subject in the forum, but long story short, the SPDIF standard leaves a lot to be desired and recording analog is just as good (even better?) than recording via the SPDIF interface.
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