Legacy Recording A2 Clips....discussion on how you're connecting to computer...preamps etc


New Member
Love to hear what you are all doing for connections to your computer. Are you going through studio preamps first & which ones?

Trying to determine how much of the tone is coming from the different colored preamps vs. the A2 itself (ie is it time to ditch the pre).

Thanks! Jim
Direct in via USB 100% of the time here.

Scott: I've tried going direct via USB to my computer. The delay from when I strike a note to when I hear that note thru the computer monitor is such that it is not useable. Is there anything I can do to reduce the latency? Is it the sound card? Up to this point, I only use headphones into the AF II.
Latency? where how? how did you get it? Whats the secret? :D

USB always through headphones. works like a treat!!
Scott: I've tried going direct via USB to my computer. The delay from when I strike a note to when I hear that note thru the computer monitor is such that it is not useable. Is there anything I can do to reduce the latency? Is it the sound card? Up to this point, I only use headphones into the AF II.

Well it depends, Latency with a electric guitar is almost impossible, while I'm having issues with the acustic..... I have to run in low latacy mode in Logic (which kills the sound)
P.S. I'm using 32 buffer.... can't get lower then that.
Unitil Cliff dosen't go usb 4x4 at the moment I think SPDIF is less a headack.
I have been tracking direct through the USB. The latency is huge. My solution- Turn off the studio monitors and use either the headphone jack, or my atomic while tracking.

Scott: I've tried going direct via USB to my computer. The delay from when I strike a note to when I hear that note thru the computer monitor is such that it is not useable. Is there anything I can do to reduce the latency? Is it the sound card? Up to this point, I only use headphones into the AF II.

I have a USB audio interface that I run the Axe-FX XLR out to and it has hardware direct/playback knob on it so I have zero latency monitoring.

It's just a Lexicon I-Onix U22 interface; I love it.
Guess I'm also asking how to send the signal without subjecting the A2 to another set of converters. I have an Apogee Duet 2 with XLR inputs but obviously that would hit another set of converters (I believe I can override them).
Guess I'm also asking how to send the signal without subjecting the A2 to another set of converters. I have an Apogee Duet 2 with XLR inputs but obviously that would hit another set of converters (I believe I can override them).

Note I only record the USB, I do not record the XLR-in from my interface. I use that to monitor only. I have a hardware based knob on my Interface to then mix in my direct (to the XLR-in) and playback (from my DAW) with zero latency.
Scott: I've tried going direct via USB to my computer. The delay from when I strike a note to when I hear that note thru the computer monitor is such that it is not useable. Is there anything I can do to reduce the latency? Is it the sound card? Up to this point, I only use headphones into the AF II.

What is your setup? I monitor using the Axe Fx II headphone out, all associated audio (backing tracks...) play thru the Axe Fx II, no latency. May not be the best method, but I have no latency issues. When I record using this method (USB direct) I've had no issues (other than lack of talent).
What is your setup? I monitor using the Axe Fx II headphone out, all associated audio (backing tracks...) play thru the Axe Fx II, no latency. May not be the best method, but I have no latency issues. When I record using this method (USB direct) I've had no issues (other than lack of talent).

The delayed guitar signal was the result of: Guitar > AFII > USB Cable > Computer > Delayed Guitar Signal Out Of Computer Monitor.

My question was, why the delay? Is it the sound card?

From Scott's response, I gather an audio interface would do the trick.

What I was able to do as a result of your response was to go into the ccomputer:

Control Panel > Hardware & Sound > Sound: Manage Audio Devices > Playback Tab > Made the AF II the Default Device

The result was the computer monitors turn off and I am able to hear the tracks & my guitar thru the AF II headphones.
In Control Panel > Hardware & Sound > Sound: Adjust System Volune > Volume Mixer I am able to adjust the audio track volume against the guitar for balance.

I would still love to hear the audio out of the computer monitors but I will leave that with the purchase of an interface & nearfields on another day.

Thanks Axel & Scott and tradarama (I wasn't trying to hijack your post)
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