Recommended EQ for down (drop) tuning


Hi there
I'm having trouble dialling in good, clear amp tones with the Mesa models for drop tunings such as C and D standard. The bass always seems too muddy and the top can get harsh. Anyone have any good suggestions/presets for this issue?

I need it mainly for Dream Theater stuff (Train of Thought album especially).

I'm using the dynamic HPF to tighten the bottom end and Simeon's trick for improving the perceived latency in the pitch block.

For example, is it better to use something like a Tube Screamer drive to help tighten things up, rather than rely on amp gain? What kind of EQ can help with the definition? Two amps or one?
1) just work on getting it right with 1 amp first

2) add either an 808 or 808 mod in front- drive around 2, tone 6, & level between 6-7....this will clear things up
- in the cab block always tweak low-cut to at least 100Hz

3) you really don't need lots of gain on the amp block for drop-tuned work. Just leave the MV @ 5 and drive between 5-6

4) I personally the FAS Modern is best for this anyway- its like a recto w/o the flub

5) for more definition, think of where you can cut before thinking where you can add. EQ is just like anything else in life: too much of a good thing can be bad
- a quick eq fix is always found in the amp voicing parameter- you'll be surprised
Hi Philip
Thanks for the tips - very helpful. I've auditioned quite a few of the other amp models (such as FAS Modern) which seem to work a lot better with drop tuning. Cheers!
I always use an OD for drop tuning. And crank the tone knob. Like 2-3'oclock. And I use a Filter block with Highpass on to taste. Can vary. And cab block at low cut around 70hz
Oh, and drop the gain down on the amp. I never go over like 2.14-2.40 on the high gain amps, like the FAS Modern/Energyball/5153
Just another little tip: instead of using a drive block you can just increase the low cut parameter in the amp block to around 400 hz. This tightens up the low end without the coloration from the drive block.

Sometimes I do it that way if I don't like how the drive block colors the tone.

Also, increasing the definition parameter in the amp block really seems to help when doing fast riffage on the low notes. It's really amazing at how frequently I've found that this one parameter will be my cure-all after I've spent time trying to cut lows or boost highs to no avail.
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