Recommendations for purchasing reference monitors:


Hey guys,

I am looking into buying some reference//studio monitors for my Ultra while I practice at home this next semester. I have read the reviews and am leaning towards these M-Audios: ... sku=600092

However, I could just be jaded so I want some Fractal opinions. I am looking to spend between $150.00 to $200.00 but will go a little bit higher. Any other suggestions? What have you tried? What do you own? What do you like?

Thanks, Jameson
It's going to be largely impossible to find a PAIR of studio monitors for under $200 that sound even half-decent with the Axe-FX. The M-Audio BX5a deluxe monitors might work "okay" (they are about $250), but I wouldn't expect much. Plus, a lot of cheaper monitors have small-ish sized drivers that won't deliver the bass you may require. I don't mean that smaller drivers aren't able to produce good bass, I mean the combination of cheap-o equipment and small drivers usually mean a serious lack of... everything; quality of construction, bass, accuracy, etc.

Hell, you could likely buy a better sounding set of computer speakers (with sub) that sound better than the average $200 pair of studio monitors.
The Yamaha HS50 are Ok in your price range. The HS80 has much more low end but may be a bit big depending on how much room you have.
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