Recommendation for a power amp


My Axe Fx 2 mark 2 arrives tomorrow and I'm looking for some recommendations for a power amp. I'm a strictly bedroom player so I don't need something with a lot of power (but I'm not opposed to one with a lot of juice). I've been looking at the Matrix GT800FX and Carvin DCM1540L. Both have a lot more power than I need, but they seem to get rave reviews. There's no real rush to get one as I'll be playing around with the Axe using the 4 cm through my Diezel VH4 and a Mesa Rectifier 412. I primarily play metal (all sub-genres) and hard rock.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I use a Mesa 50/50 with my Axe 2 and it's loud and heavy with a great sound for my tastes through a Bogner 2x12. And that's using one channel. About a month ago, I bought a Carvin DCM200L because I didn't wanna crank out money for a Matrix. Mainly to see if I could get a lighter weight amp and I've been curious for a while how it would hold up with volume and sound. It's actually a nice little amp. It's definitely loud enough for the bedroom. Has a thick sound and will deafen you. Its impressive for 200 watts. With the band (Hard Rock, nothing too crazy), it holds up fairly well. But I've gone back to my Mesa because that's what I'm used to. There's a distinct sound between the two but I've considered switching back to the Carvin. Overall, for a little over $200, it's a good investment for what you're looking for. And it will get loud if you want it to.
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I use a Mesa 50/50 with my Axe 2 and it's loud and heavy with a great sound for my tastes through a Bogner 2x12. And that's using one channel. About a month ago, I bought a Carvin DCM200L because I didn't wanna crank out money for a Matrix. Mainly to see if I could get a lighter weight amp and I've been curious for a while how it would hold up with volume and sound. It's actually a nice little amp. It's definitely loud enough for the bedroom. Has a thick sound and will deafen you. Its impressive for 200 watts. With the band (Hard Rock, nothing too crazy), it holds up fairly well. But I've gone back to my Mesa because that's what I'm used to. There's a distinct sound between the two but I've considered switching back to the Carvin. Overall, for a little over $200, it's a good investment for what you're looking for. And it will get loud if you want it to.

Thanks for the feedback. The DCM200L is another amp I've been looking at.
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