Recommend a sound card and monitor for home usage plz



any recommendations on good sound card and monitors?

i have high-end toshiba laptop that will be used in recording, do i need active or passive monitors? and whats the best USB sound card to attach?

and for those who have long experience with the Axe Fx, is this setup better or the power amp + cabinet? in terms of quality and tone
More information please. What sources will you be recording? Just the axe fx direct? Will you ever be using any mics? is firewire an option?

As far as monitors, in your second question you ask if monitors are better or a power amp and cab. When you say "monitors" are you talking about an FRFR system? Because that could be compared to an amp and cab solution, however in the context of your first question, monitors sounds like mixing monitors. And given the totally different application, this would be apples and oranges compared to a guitar cab.
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