Quite possibly the dumbest question ever: dual amps

Lee Servis


I'm about to ask (possibly) the dumbest question ever, regarding dual amps. I have an FX8, AX8, FM3 and am soon to be inpossession of an FM9. With regards to using dual amps... do you have to use them/ play them through two separate speakers (FRFR iin my case) or can you - with good results, lol - blend the two to play through one speaker/ FRFR. Basically, will they only sound good/ useable in stereo (one amp per speaker), or can they sound great being used in mono?
I watched the start of CC's G66 Dual Amp tutorial and the first example he showed he made no mention of using the amps in stereo... that came later in the video.
As always, I extend my gratitude in advance for anyone happy to answer my dumb question.
Many thanks,
Many thanks for your pormpt response HereToday, but do you mean one speaker/ FRFR? You say "one set of speakers"... which implies plural/ more than one.
As long as you don't care about stereo then 1 speaker is fine.

You can also send both to a single IR in a single Cab block without issue.
You don't need two speakers for a dual amp setup. Unless you're using stereo effects, one speaker will work just fine. You'll probably want to run the amp blocks parallel even if using one cab block though.
Even if you were going to use a stereo setup, it's always a good idea to check for mono compatibility. Stereo sounds really nice in the studio, but if you are using the same preset live, it will probably get collapsed to mono anyway.
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