Question for guys with Powered Reactor FR

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Received a new Powered Reactor FR today. I'm getting distortion, especially in the low end, with some patches. I figure those need to be tweaked. Although, I'm a bit surprised that the amp can't handle it and distorts. To test further, I put the Axe in bypass mode, input at around 2:00, output about the same. The Reactor volume and tweeter are set at about that also. When I play a chord using the neck pickup, with the volume all the way up on the guitar, with either a Strat or Les Paul (just stock pickups on both, neither have high output pu's), the amp distorts badly. Like there's an overdrive being used. The input clipping light hits the red a bit, but doesn't stay on. That's supposed to be ok. The output clip light is not lit at all. To make sure those are active in bypass mode, I turned the Axe input all the way up, and the output clip lights will come on. Global eq is flat-although I don't think the eq is active in bypass mode.

Is this "normal"? Do you guys experience the same thing? I would think that there should be enough headroom in the amp where this shouldn't be happening.

It's normal if you are talking about low end flub at high volume. The Fratomic is amplifying what you are sending it. Try a different cab like the brit 4x12. Basically, it's FRFR so you have to provide the EQ that a real amp and speaker would. Some of the Fractal Cabs are great for recording but have too much low end IMO and this is causing your some of your flub. I've had really good luck with the Redwire cabs and EQ. Also, turn the gain down.
Thanks, I appreciate the reply. My concern is that even in bypass mode, without getting any clipping or distortion from the Axe itself, the amp is the cause of the distortion. I tested a little further using headphones through a mixer. With the Axe in bypass mode, at the same settings (which are not excessive) that distort the amp, the sound is not distorted through the headphones. Granted, the mixer has trim controls, but it shows that the distortion is not coming from the guitar or the Axe. Apparently, the input of the Reactor is clipping/overloading. Shouldn't it be able it be able to handle the signal?
Same here. I wasn't sure before but it was confirmed at the Axe-Fx meeting this weekend: my Atomic cabs clip in the lows at higher volume, where a FR monitor of another brand didn't (even at higher volume). I have two Reactors and they both do it. It doesn't sound like it's the speakers, so it must be the power amp that can't handle the Axe-Fx output. Strange.

PS. FYI I made sure it wasn't caused by a nonmatching cab/IR or by extreme master vol / gain settings in the amp sims. Reactor level is at 3 o'clock, tweeter 12 o'clock, axe-fx output level about 12 o'clock, preset is not clipping.
And another here too. I took delivery of my active Atomic FR cab yesterday and although I've not spent as much time with it as I'd like I'm too hearing unwanted distortion, even on low gain clean patches with a standard USA strat in position 2. Perhaps a bad batch?
An update: I emailed Tom King at Atomic about what was happening and he called me 5 minutes after I sent the email--These guys really care and provide amazing service. He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients. It expects a signal from something like the Axe that shapes the sound. Sorry, that's not exactly what he said and I don't want to put out misinformation. But it was something along those lines and it made sense. So I'm going to spend some more time with the amp and see what's what.
Norbitt said:
An update: I emailed Tom King at Atomic about what was happening and he called me 5 minutes after I sent the email--These guys really care and provide amazing service. He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients. It expects a signal from something like the Axe that shapes the sound. Sorry, that's not exactly what he said and I don't want to put out misinformation. But it was something along those lines and it made sense. So I'm going to spend some more time with the amp and see what's what.

Thank you for the update Norbitt, it is quite cool that you took the time to put information there. I ordered an Atomic Powered Wedge and feel very concerned by your troubles... Keep us informed :cool:
benson said:
And another here too. I took delivery of my active Atomic FR cab yesterday and although I've not spent as much time with it as I'd like I'm too hearing unwanted distortion, even on low gain clean patches with a standard USA strat in position 2. Perhaps a bad batch?

I'm certainly no expert, but on some "clean" patches I can hear some distortion, too. What I'm finding is that there actually is a bit of distortion built into those patches, but it wasn't apparent until I played them through something as transparent as the Reactor. I've been going through them and have been able to clean them up.
billou_35 said:
Norbitt said:
An update: I emailed Tom King at Atomic about what was happening and he called me 5 minutes after I sent the email--These guys really care and provide amazing service. He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients. It expects a signal from something like the Axe that shapes the sound. Sorry, that's not exactly what he said and I don't want to put out misinformation. But it was something along those lines and it made sense. So I'm going to spend some more time with the amp and see what's what.

Thank you for the update Norbitt, it is quite cool that you took the time to put information there. I ordered an Atomic Powered Wedge and feel very concerned by your troubles... Keep us informed :cool:

I hope I haven't opened up a Pandoras's Box here. I meant my original posts more in the form of questions, rather than complaints. When you get yours, I hope I haven't created a situation where you immediately look for negatives, instead of looking for the positives. There are many guys who are very happy with their Reactors. I think part of my problem is that I'm new to using this type of amplification. I've been a working musician for over 40 years and am obviously very used to using standard amps. Seems as though this FR thing needs to be approached in a different way, and may require some patience.
Norbitt said:
He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients.
I sincerely hope this is not what he said. Any good quality power amplifier can pass the unprocessed signal from an electric guitar without audible distortion. If this is what he really said, then he is also saying that the Atomic FR is unsuitable for amplifying an acoustic guitar.
Norbitt said:
I hope I haven't opened up a Pandoras's Box here. I meant my original posts more in the form of questions, rather than complaints. When you get yours, I hope I haven't created a situation where you immediately look for negatives, instead of looking for the positives. There are many guys who are very happy with their Reactors. I think part of my problem is that I'm new to using this type of amplification. I've been a working musician for over 40 years and am obviously very used to using standard amps. Seems as though this FR thing needs to be approached in a different way, and may require some patience.

Maybe could you ask Tom to answer directly here to make things clear ? ;)
Norbitt said:
benson said:
And another here too. I took delivery of my active Atomic FR cab yesterday and although I've not spent as much time with it as I'd like I'm too hearing unwanted distortion, even on low gain clean patches with a standard USA strat in position 2. Perhaps a bad batch?

I'm certainly no expert, but on some "clean" patches I can hear some distortion, too. What I'm finding is that there actually is a bit of distortion built into those patches, but it wasn't apparent until I played them through something as transparent as the Reactor. I've been going through them and have been able to clean them up.

Thats a very good point actually, I hadn't thought of that :oops:
I'm very happy that things go in that direction :D

And I think it is a good point that you raised this no-problem because I'll receive my Powered Wedge in a few days now and if I encounter this trouble, I know now where to look at so it is positive to me.
Jay Mitchell said:
Norbitt said:
He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients.
I sincerely hope this is not what he said. Any good quality power amplifier can pass the unprocessed signal from an electric guitar without audible distortion.

That is until you run out of headroom. Maybe he was trying to explain in simple words that an unprocessed guitar signal will lead to clipping much faster without reaching the expected volume levels.
too_much_power said:
That is until you run out of headroom. Maybe he was trying to explain in simple words that an unprocessed guitar signal will lead to clipping much faster without reaching the expected volume levels.
That would then imply that the amp has relatively little clean headroom. Again, I hope he said something different than what was paraphrased here.
Jay Mitchell said:
Norbitt said:
He told me that testing the amp in bypass mode is not a proper way to check things out. Something about the amp is not made to handle those kind of transients.
I sincerely hope this is not what he said. Any good quality power amplifier can pass the unprocessed signal from an electric guitar without audible distortion. If this is what he really said, then he is also saying that the Atomic FR is unsuitable for amplifying an acoustic guitar.
I was misunderstood and as a result misquoted. I told the OP that the best way to figure out if the amp was going to work for him or not (if his issue, in fact, turned out to be about headroom) was to set up a patch or patches that represented what he wanted to accomplish in the real world instead of trying to test the amp in ways that it wasn’t going to be used.

For the record, we have several pros using the Reactor and a preamp as an acoustic amp and they love it.
Tom King said:
I was misunderstood and as a result misquoted. I told the OP that the best way to figure out if the amp was going to work for him or not (if his issue, in fact, turned out to be about headroom) was to set up a patch or patches that represented what he wanted to accomplish in the real world instead of trying to test the amp in ways that it wasn’t going to be used.
That makes a lot more sense, and it's the same advice I'd offer under the circumstances. Thanks for the clarification.

For the record, we have several pros using the Reactor and a preamp as an acoustic amp and they love it.
I had a feeling that would turn out to be the case.
Hi Norbitt,

Your description of an amp that "distorts badly... like there's an overdrive being used" on clean tones makes me sure there's something wrong with your amp or the way you're using it. Between my own Reactors, and those I work with for others including pro artists, I've never encountered a problem like this in a cab or wedge.

So to answer your question directly, this is not normal in my experience. My perception, coming from a rig design professional background, is that the Reactor needs to be hit really hard and cranked to painful levels for something like this to occur.

Can you find an amp with higher wattage and more headroom? Yes! Will it sound like a reactor does in terms of giving you what I describe as "guitar amp" feel and flavor? Not in my experience, and that's really important to me.
Norbitt was in the middle of an open service ticket with Atomic when this thread was started. Originally I was told the power section was broken and the amp was distorting at very low volumes. It was mutually agreed that the best course of action was to send a replacement power section which was done immediately. I’m not sure why once he received it, he brought his findings to the forum and not back to Atomic since we’ve been working on solving what was described as a problem with the amp. That part was not mentioned here.
At some point after this thread had been running, the Norbitt emailed to tell me the new power section hadn’t solved his issue and proceeded to describe the symptoms differently. I’m fairly certain the system isn’t working properly and the issue is likely with the speaker system but there are a variety of things that could be at work here and we’ll do whatever is necessary to get to the bottom of this.

I’m locking this thread because there is too much misinformation and at this point we don’t even know if Norbitt’s amp is working properly.
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