question for Fender Tonemaster FR-12 (or FR10) owners


Power User
Went to load my FR-12 into a gig last night and heard the sound of something loose and thunking around inside the cab. Luckily the thing still works fine, but something inside is loose.

1. anyone taken one of these things apart and know the best way to do so?
2. any guesses on what might be making the noise?

I ordered mine from Sweetwater and have a gig tomorrow night, and am going on tour in a few weeks - don't really have time to ship it somewhere for repair or whatever.

Any insight/advice appreciated!
Went to load my FR-12 into a gig last night and heard the sound of something loose and thunking around inside the cab. Luckily the thing still works fine, but something inside is loose.

1. anyone taken one of these things apart and know the best way to do so?
2. any guesses on what might be making the noise?

I ordered mine from Sweetwater and have a gig tomorrow night, and am going on tour in a few weeks - don't really have time to ship it somewhere for repair or whatever.

Any insight/advice appreciated!
This thread on fixing the hiss issues with the FR-12 has a link to directions on disassembly to replace the preamp.
It is probably the class D amp module in the bottom of the cabinet. If you pry the grill off and remove the 12" driver .. That amp module is behind it.

It could also be that the driver for the horn has unscrewed itself and is loose. I have had that happen with a different FRFR.

Both are easy fixes. 🙂
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