Question about switching presets.

Steven Wetzel

New Member
Is there a way to create a bank of 8 different amps/cabs and make the 8 switches call up 1 preset per switch without going back and forth to F1/F2 switch ? This would be for live shows. I know this can be done with scenes, but I don't think you can use different amps/cabs etc within a scene. Example: switch #1 would be super clean Fender, #2 clean with boost for solos, #3 a Marshall with medium gain, #4 a Mesa, ...and so on. This way I could go from a clean sound on switch #1, to a overdriven lead in switch #8 in one step.
Can this be done ?
Just a general recommendation for posting on this (or really any) forum: put something useful as the subject of your thread. Almost every post is a question, so having a subject of "Question ???" means people have to read your thread to know what it is about. Most won't bother to read it because of the vague subject.

Perhaps something like "Switch setup question" or something? You can use the thread tools to change the thread subject / title.
Just a general recommendation for posting on this (or really any) forum: put something useful as the subject of your thread. Almost every post is a question, so having a subject of "Question ???" means people have to read your thread to know what it is about. Most won't bother to read it because of the vague subject.

Perhaps something like "Switch setup question" or something? You can use the thread tools to change the thread subject / title.
Thank you ! I've never been on one of these forums before. I will take your advice.
Thank you ! I've never been on one of these forums before. I will take your advice.
Well... This one is pretty damn good as they go :)

Be clear and courteous and most importantly, listen to what people say. That is a good recipe for getting the most from the forum. There are users on here of every level from complete beginners to major touring professionals, and most are very friendly and helpful.

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