QSC K Series


Has anyone tried these yet? I would be very interested to hear some opinions. Thinking of buying 12s over subs for PA duty, but it would be nice to dual purpose them. Anyone?
I have the K12s and they are terrific. I used two of them on a big stage this weekend, one as a monitor and the other where my cabinet used to go to provide fill for the folks up front, and heard myself better than I ever had at that venue. I ran them very hard and very loud and they were fine for two three-hour shows.
9-pin, please report on the K10. I am interested. I tried the K12 at my local GC and loved them, but I wonder if the K10 would be as good. :)
Ditto on the request for a K10 review. I really like the
size, weight, and feature set of that one.
I got it yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to play through it for a few minutes.

I'll have a more thorough review later this weekend.
9-Pin said:
I got it yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to play through it for a few minutes.

I'll have a more thorough review later this weekend.
Hey 9-Pin. . . . how did the K-10 work out?

OK, quick and dirty review.

First, The K-10 is the first FRFR solution I have really tried, so I don't have much to compare it to. I have too much to compare it to. I have run my Axe through my band's PA. The PA is a powered Phonic mixer and 2 15" B-52 unpowered monitors.

I got a good deal on the speaker as it was a blemished item. When the box arrived, i thought it looked in pretty good shape, but it turns out the speaker encountered a fall at one point and landed on the grill. To test it out, I turned it up about half-way and listened for any rattles. The only rattling I heard was from the walls, so it looks to just be a cosmetic issue. Now I don't have to worry about anything happening to it on the next gig.

The K-10 is very flexible and I can already think of several uses with the different inputs/EQ options. Oh, and its loud.

I set the back to Flat Response and kept everything pretty much in the middle. I thought everything sounded very good. I didn't detect any fizzy high end, mid range humps, or booming bass. The bass was tight, and definitely there, but it was easy to control. I doubt there would be any issues running the K-10 as your backline if you needed to. I am already thinking of saving for a second as a light PA system with my mixer for acoustic or other small gigs.
Has anyone compared the K10 and the K12 with each other? I'm wondering if the K10 would do the job since it's smaller and lighter than the K12.
9-Pin said:
OK, quick and dirty review.

I parrot the above review. I've had a K10 for a few weeks, and I think it's great. I haven't posted previously because I don't have anything to compare it to (except a garbage PA, which naturally the K10 destroys).

The high end seems smooth enough after some taming in the Axe (my tele is quite bright). The low end is big and firm. Yes, that's what she said. It's fairly light, the built-in handle is very nice, and the input options offer great flexibility. I'm quite eager to read comparisons to the Verve series, which I avoided due to the backorder.

Stratoblaster said:
Has anyone compared the K10 and the K12 with each other? I'm wondering if the K10 would do the job since it's smaller and lighter than the K12.

I'm keen to hear a comparison too
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