QSC K?? (or any speaker with 2 line inputs)


been reading the forum for a while and had an Axe-Fx Ultra for about 6 months. Love it, been playing through some Dynaudio BM5's and Adam A7's and liking that. I've also ran it through the power section of a few amps and cabs, that's alright too.

I'm looking to try the QSC K8, K10 or K12's and see that these speakers have a Line A and Line B input. I have never messed with PA speakers before, but it seems like I can run the Left and Right outputs of my Axe-Fx into each side of a single speaker and have stereo sound? Is this correct? I have read the QSC manual and it's diagrams didn't exactly spell this out, so I'm hoping someone here that has these (or any speaker with 2 line inputs) can verify that for me please?

Also, I found a real good deal on a single QSC K8 at a local store. It is a "red tag" item so there is no returns so I can't return it if I don't like it. I don't play out live with a band, but want to jam loud in my basement studio (louder than I can get on the studio monitors I listed above), so I'm thinking that a single K8 may work for me, but I can't find much info on people using this. Anyone with any experience at all with this speaker, some feedback would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
The K speakers are mono.

They allow you to mix two signals, like a mic and a guitar.

You'd need 2 for stereo.
Matman, thanks for a quick reply, much appreciated. I understand its only one speaker cab and it won't be like having 2 speakers getting a true stereo field, but it seems like if you plug both sides in each line input, then they would both come through. I know I'm prolly off here though. I guess to get my head (or ears) around it I may just need to go back to the store and get the guy to plug a left and right audio source in and see what it does.

ashenriff said:
Matman, thanks for a quick reply, much appreciated. I understand its only one speaker cab and it won't be like having 2 speakers getting a true stereo field, but it seems like if you plug both sides in each line input, then they would both come through. I know I'm prolly off here though. I guess to get my head (or ears) around it I may just need to go back to the store and get the guy to plug a left and right audio source in and see what it does.


They will both come through....combined. Which means --> mono.
It will not sound stereo....at all. Not even a little.

As posted by LMO - sum your ouput from the Axe...it will be the exact same thing as plugging Left and Right into the two channels on a K12. (and it will save you a cable)
Thanks guys for the help. I found a single K8 for less than $500, so I was hoping to get by with just that. So I was willing to take a chance the K8 is large enough, I still may. I'd just hate to buy the one K8 only to have to buy a pair of K10's or K12's later.
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