Q3.02 Global Block loading X/Y and Bypass state per scene [NOT A BUG]


Possible bug, possible undocumented feature, will explain as briefly as I can:

Was using 4 presets with Drive 1 and Drive 2 not saved to global. Edited preset 1 to my preference, saved both as Global Blocks, and then in presets 2, 3, and 4 loaded and linked to those Global Blocks. I did 2 and 3 in Axe Edit, and 4 from the front panel with communications paused so that I know how to do this without a computer.

All appeared to have worked perfectly, until I realised the X/Y and bypass state of those blocks in the 5 scenes I use in Preset 1 had been copied to the respective scenes in the other 3 presets - and they had definitely been different before. So it seems to me that loading global blocks seems to be carrying X/Y and bypass states per scene in Q3.02. I'm fairly new to this, and if it's normal in earlier FW versions that's fine. I will test later to ensure that linking, saving and changing doesn't make this recur, but from the definition of Global Blocks in the manual and Wiki I'm not sure it should do this.

Axe-FX II XL, Q3.02, MFC-101 Mk3 was connected via FAS link at the time.

Not a bug. Global blocks indeed carry X/Y state and bypass state info.
You have to check each scene.
Thanks yek, I wasn't sure if it was intentional. Seems a little counter-intuitive that loading a global block includes the X/Y and bypass state - do you know which version of those states are picked once they have been modified. I now have the global block for Drive 1 operating in 4 presets, with different X/Y and bypass states in each scene per preset. If I load this global block into another preset, does it choose these states from the first one that I saved? I would prefer if those states were saved in the block that I am loading into global, but to be honest, now that I know how it works I will just have to remember to check them when I load. The Axe-FX is such a good piece of equipment I can forgive most things!

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